Because you want more color in your home
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Black and White and Gray Spiral Area Rug

$ 45.00
Do you need a small area rug to protect your wall-to-wall?  In front of a chair; where the dog sleeps, at the side of the bed; that place where you take your shoes off and the sand collects.  Even under a high chair, to catch the spills and drops the dog misses.
All of the handmade art rugs in this store can be reproduced on one of two washable polyester rugs, either 2 x 3 feet, or 4 x 6 feet (all sizes approximate).  They're perfect for adding a spot of color and art to a corner, and they're easier to wash than my handmade knitted rugs.
Made in USA. 100% Polyester. Single sided print. Chevron dobby woven material. Hemmed 4 sides.

Machine wash in cold water, use gentle cycle only. Do not bleach. Dry flat only.

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